First of all let me introduce my self..
My name is Yonathan,, my friend usually call me nathan..
I was born on 8 March 1993 in Jakarta..
Now I am studying in Bina Nusantara University in Alam Sutera,,
in Information Technology major..
Somehow I had just starting to love this major after a long process..hahaha
I have a long story about my struggling with my Hemophilia before,, how God bring me to the new experience walking with Him through Hemophilia..
Through this blog I hope I can bless and strengthen many people that suffer hemophilia or not and I hope that this blog can inspire many people through my life because God already give me second chance of life and I do not want to waste this chance, so if any of you who read this blog have anything to ask or say feel free to comment on my post.. :)
After I had flashback my life I found out that there are 3 important phases that I had passed through, first when I was child and suffer Hemophilia B, second when I was in Junior and senior high school, third when I choose university.
Just a brief explanation in those phases because I would like to share it in the next posts. the first phases when I was child and suffered Hemophilia B actually it impact my parents because that time I still understand nothing but the pain that I felt still can be clearly remembered. The second phase actually the next stage of my struggling from my disease where I started to understand what is going on and what are going to happen if I still have this disease in my life but also after those struggling God help me to achive many great things in my senior high school. The last but not the least was when I struggle to choose which university will I am in and now Thank's God I already able to get peace and be grateful for what happen now.
I think that is all about my self the detail will be coming soon. May God bless whoever that read my post.. :)
Do not forget to add me on my facebook account
follow me on my twitter nathan14045..
After I had flashback my life I found out that there are 3 important phases that I had passed through, first when I was child and suffer Hemophilia B, second when I was in Junior and senior high school, third when I choose university.
Just a brief explanation in those phases because I would like to share it in the next posts. the first phases when I was child and suffered Hemophilia B actually it impact my parents because that time I still understand nothing but the pain that I felt still can be clearly remembered. The second phase actually the next stage of my struggling from my disease where I started to understand what is going on and what are going to happen if I still have this disease in my life but also after those struggling God help me to achive many great things in my senior high school. The last but not the least was when I struggle to choose which university will I am in and now Thank's God I already able to get peace and be grateful for what happen now.
I think that is all about my self the detail will be coming soon. May God bless whoever that read my post.. :)
Do not forget to add me on my facebook account
follow me on my twitter nathan14045..
Translation :
Pertama-tama saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya..
Nama saya Yonathan,, teman-teman saya biasa memanggil saya nathan..
Saya lahir pada tanggal 8 Maret 1993 di Jakarta..
Sekarang saya menjadi mahasiswa di Universitas Bina Nusantara..
di Jurusan Teknologi Informasi..
Ya bagaimanapun juga saya baru mulai mencintai Jurusan ini setelah proses yang panjang..hahaha
Saya mempunya cerita yang panjang mengenai bagaimana dulu saya melawan Hemophilia,, bagaimana Tuhan membawa saya pada banyak pengalaman berjalan bersama Dia melalui Hemophilia.
Melalui blog ini saya berharap saya bisa memberkati dan menguatkan banyak orang yang mengalami Hemophilia dan saya berharap blog ini dapat mengnspirasi banyak orang melalui hidup saya karena Tuhan sudah memberikan kesempatan ke 2 dalam hidup saya dan saya tidak mau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan ini, jadi jika ada dari yang membaca blog ini mempunyai pertanyaan atau ada yang ingin disampaikan feel free to comment on my post..:)
Setelah saya mencoba untuk mengingat kembali hidup saya, saya menemukan ada 3 fase penting yang sudah saya lalui, pertama waktu saya masih kecil dan mengalami Hemophilia B, kedua waktu saya memasuki SMP dan SMA, ketiga waktu saya memilih universitas.
Beberapa kilasan tentang fase-fase tersebut karena saya akan mengsharekan detailnya pada post selanjutnya. Fase pertama waktu saya masih kecil dan mengalami hemofilia sebenarnya hal tersebut mempengaruhi kedua orang tua saya karena pada waktu itu saya masih tidak mengerti apa-apa kecuali rasa sakit yang masih saya ingat dengan jelas. Fase kedua sebenarnya adalah fase selanjutnya dari bagaimana saya mencoba melawan Hemophilia dimana saya mulai mengerti apa yang terjadi dan apa yang terjadi jika saya masih mengalami penyakit ini dan setelah saya mencoba melawan penyakit tersebut, Tuhan membantu saya untuk melakukan banyak hal yang tidak pernah saya pikirkan mungkin terjadi untuk anak yang dulunya menderita Hemophilia. Kemudian tapi bukan yg terakhir adalah waktu saya bergumul untuk memilih universitas dan puji Tuhan sekarang saya sudah bisa berdamai dan menerima apa yang terjadi sekarang.
Saya rasa sekian tentang diri saya, detailnya akan segera datang.. May God bless whoever that read my post.. :)
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follow me on my twitter nathan14045.
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